Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Lions’ Fords Aren’t the Worst?

Originally posted by Nadir at LastChocolateCity.com

William Clay Ford and Bill Ford, Jr. weren’t named the worst NFL team owners in Sports Illustrated’s ranking this year, but that’s probably because the list seems more based on writer Michael Silver’s mood than on the owners’ record and lack of productivity. The pair did drop from #22 last year to #29 this year, which is a little closer to reality.

Their inexplicable inability to fire failed General Manager Matt Millen ranks at the top of reasons they should be listed at the bottom. Not to mention their failure to fire defensive line coach Joe Cullen after he was arrested twice in one month - once for drunk driving, a second time for a late night fast food run in the nude.

The Lions’ defense ranked #28 last year, the offense was #22 and the team itself finished #31 out of 32 teams. Do we see a pattern emerging here? The only consistency the Lions have shown is that they consistently field mediocre or terrible teams.

This year the organization couldn’t decide whether they should celebrate the 50th anniversary of their 1957 NFL Championship. Why? Because that was the last time the Lions won a championship. Do you really want to call attention to that fact? It was finally determined that the 20 surviving players will be honored during Sept. 30’s game against fierce rivals the defending NFC Champion Chicago Bears. Talk about adding insult to injury.

The Pistons, Red Wings, Shock and now the Tigers are all winners. Aren’t the Fords embarrassed enough to start changing their ways? Or are they happy to be at the top of at least one list - the fans’ pick for worst franchise in all of sports?


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