Thursday, July 27, 2006

Israel Says World 'backs Lebanon offensive'

From the BBC:

Israel says diplomats' decision not to call for a halt to its Lebanon offensive at a Middle East summit has given it the green light to continue.

"We received yesterday at the Rome conference permission from the world... to continue the operation," Justice Minister Haim Ramon said.

And it seems to be true...

It seems the world has turned its back on the people of Lebanon just as we have our brothers and sisters in Darfur, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in New Orleans...

We, the people, in every nation of the world, have once again failed to use our powers of persuasion to convince our governments to act in the name of humanity and justice. We have failed again to act on our own to stop the bloodshed.

When will we as a race... the human race... stand up and fight for what we know is right?

Click HERE for more photos of the atrocities in Lebanon


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