Obama Isn't Black?? Part 2

Barack Obama's 2008 presidential candidacy is going to be about race. I'm sure he doesn't want it that way, but that is how it's going to play out.
Already his ethnicity is being attacked from all sides. I've blogged previously about Black folks like Debra Dickerson of Salon.com who say Obama isn't Black.
Now the darling of race-baiting conservatives, Rush Limbaugh, encourages the biracial Obama to renounce his Blackness and declare that he is white.
Think Progress reports:
Yesterday on his radio show, right-wing host Rush Limbaugh derided Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) — who is biracial — for saying, “If you look African-American in this society, you’re treated as an African-American.”American white folks created the "one drop rule" centuries ago. If you have one drop of African blood, you're Black. If you could pass for white, you could identify yourself as such until someone found out who your people were. Then you became an outcast on both sides.
Limbaugh claimed that this statement meant Obama didn’t want to be Black and should “renounce it”: “If it’s not something you want to be, if you didn’t decide it, renounce it, become white!” He added, “If you don’t like it, you can switch. Well, that’s the way I see it. He’s got 50-50 in there. Say, ‘No, I’m white.’”
Read the Think Progress post HERE
For the record: Barack Obama is Black.
For the record: Tiger Woods is Black whether he claims to be or not.
For the record: Rae Dawn-Chong is Black.
Of course, this is all a distraction. What about the issues?
I hate to be a cynic, but I don't think the United States is ready for a Black man or a white woman to become president. It doesn't matter whether Barack and Hilary are the best candidates or not (of course, I don't like either of them at this point). America is still too racist and too sexist to elect them.
But let's get the conversation out of the way now, so we can get down to the real business of presidential politics.
What do YOU think? Is America ready for a Black man or white woman to be president?
Labels: Barack Obama, biracial, Debra Dickerson, Hilary Clinton, politics, race, Rush Limbaugh
america is going to screw around
wake up
and have a queen.
a bonified queen with a septer and an 'estate'
or a king..with a buncha wives..
a bunch is like..five or seventeen i mean
we are so worried about what color the president is
i want to know if any of them can speak
america is asking the wrong questions
what is his iq
has he ever been an astronaut
sweet n low , equal or splenda(pink, blue or yellow)
raw sugar or brown sugar
who does his lawn
who does his wifes hair
does he fly first class or coach
has he ever fired a gun
if he answers these questions for me
i might
actually register to vote this year.
has he ever given professional testimony in a court of law
would he need a septer to be king or would he just sort of use
his hand a mystery brief case like
the queen of england and her pocketbook.
Nadir writes: ===========
American white folks created the "one drop rule" centuries ago. If you have one drop of African blood, you're Black.
But today I see black folks utilizing this rule, and white folks mostly not caring much about race. I think that white folks essentially have no problem electing a black person; I encounter zero comments from honkies objecting to a candidate's race.
However, I do occasionally encounter blacks and whites of both genders expressing some trepidation about a woman serving as president. The polls that I've seen correspond with my observations; Americans care more about gender than "race" when voting, and care very little about either.
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